
Clone a repository using Git

Set up Git with your credentials

Before using Git for the first time, you’ll want to set it up with your details, so that GitHub knows who you are when you make your contributions.

Start by opening terminal (MacOS, Linux) or Git bash (Windows).

Type git version and hit ‘Enter’, to check git is installed correctly. If it is, we can get started.

Configure your git settings by using:

$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global

replacing "John Doe" and "" with your name and email address respectively - you should use the same email address as the one you made your GitHub account with.

Clone your fork

Now that you have a fork in your account, let’s clone it (ie download a local copy) through Git.

Firstly, in your terminal, navigate to the directory where you’d like to place your code for this exercise. Initially, the terminal may open in your home directory. You can check where you are by typing the command pwd and pressing Enter; and the command cd (change directory) to move around. If you’d like to make a new directory you can use mkdir, for example:

$ pwd

$ mkdir hacktoberfest

$ cd hacktoberfest/

To clone the remote repo to your computer go to the green Code button on your fork’s GitHub page and copy the HTTPS URL, run:

git clone <HTTPS URL>

# for example
$ git clone

Git will then copy the repo into a folder with the same name as the repo, ie collaborative_github_exercise and it will print:

  Cloning into 'collaborative_github_exercise'...
  remote: Enumerating objects: 859, done.
  remote: Total 859 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 859
  Receiving objects: 100% (859/859), 5.50 MiB | 989.00 KiB/s, done.
  Resolving deltas: 100% (395/395), done.

Now that you have a copy of the repo locally, you can have a look at it.

# Change into the directory:
$ cd collaborative_github_exercise/

# and have a look at what's in there:
$ ls

assets                               gif      LICENSE  plot_trait_evolution.html
collaborative_github_exercise.Rproj  gif.gif  params   plot_trait_evolution.Rmd